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Walk the Path of Powerful Woman

~ All-Inclusive Women’s Destination Retreat in Greece ~


with HMS Mentor, Deonesea La Fey 

OCTOBER 14-24, 2024

Parthenon in Athens, Greece with Beautiful Pink Flowers


"Pilgrimage" is defined as a journey to a holy place, which can lead to a personal transformation, after which the pilgrim returns to their daily life transformed.

In these times of tremendous societal and social change on our planet, we need women standing in their true power now more than ever. This kind of personal empowerment journey is exactly what you'll experience through this destination retreat.

When powerful women of ancient times visited holy places for prayer and divination, they engaged in very specific rituals to prepare themselves to receive messages and direction - both for themselves personally and for their loved ones or community. They began at the sacred springs to cleanse and anoint themselves, then fed themselves from the sacred plants of the land, before making their way to the temples or power spots to commune with the divine.

This pilgrimage will begin in the city of Athens where, like the powerful women of ancient times, we will bathe and anoint ourselves in the waters of the hammam and imbibe the ambrosia of the land through culinary delights, preparing ourselves to make our way to the Parthenon, Temple of Athena, the patron Goddess for whom Athens was named. As we take this pilgrimage for tapping into our personal power we turn to the goddess Athena as the goddess of justice and strategy and wisdom to help us get in touch with our own personal power and garner wisdom for how to more fully live from it in our lives. From Athens we will journey to the island of Crete, where we'll immerse ourselves in the gifts of the Minoan society. We'll journey to Knossos, the Palace of the Snake Goddess, to deepen our pilgrimage into our individual power by finding an embodied expression of what we learned through communing with Athena. From there, we will join a convocation of Priestesses - both women and men - for a week of rituals, ceremonies and celebrations to fully claim and anchor

your ability to have command and influence in your life.

The temples, palaces, land and sea of Greece hold a deep spiritual heritage from which you can gather strength, energy and vitality. This retreat is an opportunity to experience yourself outside of your day to day life ...

to feel yourself returned to essence.

The Porch of the Maidens: Erechtheion at the Acropolis in Athens, Greece

We’ll explore stunning locations of ancient history, including the Parthenon, Temple built to Athena, and the Theater of Dionysis at the Acropolis, and the Palace of Knossos, glorious natural settings for swimming in the Aegean arm of the Mediterranean Sea, museums that tell the stories of ancient Goddess sites, and vibrant city settings where we'll indulge ourselves in the luscious bounty of Greek olives and olive oil, spanikopita, baklava, honey, sheep's cheese, and wine.

Throughout it all, there will be ample opportunity to slow down and savor the experience over a delicious espresso, or sunbathing by the pool, or swimming in the sea. Integration time is built in to our itinerary so that you can fully take in all of what you'll receive there, and return home feeling full and clear and sure in the power of who you really are.


We’ll enjoy three nights in the beauty of our hotel in Athens before making our way to Crete for an overnight in the port city of Heraklion, and finally landing for a week in our all-inclusive hotel’s natural setting where we can be unpacked for the rest of our time together. We'll have ample time to immerse ourselves in each place of beauty, soaking in glorious sunsets over a cup of tea or a glass of local wine. 


We’ll incorporate rituals and skillful teachings to ensure that you know how to return to this newfound sense of your center, your essence self, ongoingly, after the retreat.

Be ready, and hopefully relieved, to leave politics, opinions, and contention at the gate to the temple.

We are gathering to drink from a deeper well, and if you join us, the requirement is that we all protect this holy place of meeting from our own and culture's contention, so that we can listen to a deeper Knowing, bathe in a clearer stream.

Monastiraki Below the Acropolis in Athens, Greece
Woman Bathing in a Turkish Bath
Slices of Feta Covered in Olive Oil, Olives, and Herbs


BEGIN:  October 14, 2024

END:  October 24, 2024



  • Accommodations for 3 nights in the capital of Greece, Athens (smack right in the middle of the city with everything walking distance).

  • Accommodations for 1 night in the capital of Crete, Heraklion (the seat of the artifacts of the Minoan society)

  • Accommodations for 7 nights in the Chrissi Amoudia hotel of Hersonissos (the beautiful setting for our week of ritual, a five minute walk from daily swimming in the Aegean Sea).

  • Meals - breakfasts and dinners every day of the retreat at high-quality restaurants and lunch all of the days except the three days of temple and museum excursions.

  • Retreat teachings and ceremonies, including preparations for ceremonies at the Temple of Athena and Palace of Knossos with Deonesea, and all rituals and ceremonies at the priestess convocation.

  • 3 day trips inclusive of all entrance fees, guide fees, and tickets. The trips include visits to some of the most special and ancient places in Greece, such as the Parthenon at the Acropolis and the Palace of Knossos

  • Ground transportation for the group


Excluded from Cost: Airfare from participant's location to Athens, flight from Athens to Heraklion, any travel insurance, personal and shopping expenses, gratuity, alcoholic beverages.

Airfare to and from Athens is not included in the cost of the retreat, and needs to be arranged on your own. Additionally, we will all fly as a group from Athens to Crete on Day 4 of our trip. This one hour flight generally costs around $100-120 and is not included in the price of the trip. Upon registration, you will receive information on which flight you need to book for that day. And if you need help brainstorming your flight options to Athens, or would like travel plan suggestions, just let us know and we'd be happy to help!  


Retreat Full Price is


Last Date to Register: September 15th, 2024

Deposit required at time of registration: $1,000.

We are bound by the non-refundable restrictions from our vendors.

We can give a 50% refund up until June 1st, 2024.

We can give a 25% refund between June 1st and August 1st 2024.

All payments are completely non-refundable and non-transferable after August 1st, 2024.

**Extended payment plans are an option, so if you are called to come and finances seem daunting, contact us and we’ll help you plan and proceed.**


You can just send it all at once, or send a



to hold your space.


Deonesea is a sensuality coach and movement facilitator who is deeply trained and experienced in sensuality and embodiment practices, ecstatic dance forms, and initiatory rites. Deonesea supports both women and men to release themselves from past experiences and conditioning that inhibits their eroticism, so that they can find their own personal pathways to ecstasy.

Her work is based in the knowing that our sensuality and sexuality can be a powerful source of creativity, passion and joy when we allow ourselves to cultivate and embrace them. A trusted and sought out ceremonialist, Deonesea holds a powerful and safe container in which participants can fully open themselves to whatever is moving in their Being. Through movement, principles of polarity, and Inner Child Restoration practices, Deonesea offers true depth of presence and compassion in her one on one and group work, guiding others to orient themselves to their own center and source of wisdom. In addition to holding her private coaching practice, Deonesea leads women’s empowerment workshops and sensuality retreats at home and abroad.

Deonesea La Fey Smiling at the Camera

Deonesea La Fey

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